Sunday, September 23, 2012

September Creative Fun Day Re-cap

We had a great time at the month's Creative Fun Day.  It started out quietly as several of the regulars were unable to attend.  I worked on painting some record bowls, just to see what would happen.  I didn't get far enough along to take a picture of them yet.

The real fun started when Christy, Caroline and Elizabeth arrived.  The plan was to make ugly dolls.  Caroline had found a great owl-type patter that made a great base for the dolls.  Fabric was chosen, cut out, embellishments were added and the sewing machine was fired up to create some beautiful ugly dolls.  (Is that an oxymoron?)

Here is Elizabeth's doll:
Here is the front and back of Caroline's doll:

Caroline positioned the pattern beautifully to make the Inn fit the back of the doll!  I love the creativity here.

Even Scout got into the "creative fun".  To stuff the ugly dolls, we used batting from an old pillow.  Scout found the open pillow and decided it would be "fun" to "create" a new bed and comfy spot from what we did not use.   (Great idea for recycling Scout!)

Join us for more fun and creativity in October on Saturday, October 20 for the next Creative Fun Day!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

September Creative Fun Day


We had a peaceful and fun Creative Fun Day in August.  Sorry that I didn't make an updated post, but although the three of us that participated were active in creative endeavors they were more thinking based activities and didn't really lead to interesting photographs.   Laura worked on updating a wedding planner for her newly engaged sister, Ashley worked on graphics and pictures for her graduate project and I did some blog and idea planning work.

Our September Creative Fun Day will be on Saturday, September 15.  We hope to see you all there.  For more information on Creative Fun Day, click here!