Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Creative Fun Day Update

We had a lovely May Creative Fun Day on the 18th. I was a bit tired after trying to hold a garage sale in the rain in the morning.   The garage sale didn't go well, but Fun Day did!   It was generally a thinking and creating ideas day and we all had fun.   Ginny worked on a story that she was going to share at an upcoming event.  Once she had it written it down, she shared it with all of us and it was wonderful.

Elizabeth made a hand stitched pillow with her own growing sewing skills.  It turned out great.

Rachel worked on sorting photos in her computer and Christy worked on ideas for her book.   There were a lot of computers out and in operation this Creative Fun Day.  

I worked on a tie dye fleece tie pillow in the shape of a cross that was part of a craft kit.  It turned out to be a unique little project and I forgot to take a picture of it before I gave it away.

Next month's Creative Fun Day will be on June 15.  Come and join us.

Sunday, May 12, 2013


Creative Fun Day!
May 18
Next Saturday is Creative Fun Day for the month of May.  It is also a great day to go to garage sales in the morning and bring your fun finds to the house to use for creative projects in the afternoon.  I may even have a garage sale in the morning and hwho knows what will be left after that that we can create with.  I hope to see you all on Saturday anytime from 12:30 to 5:30 for some springtime creative fun!