Sunday, November 18, 2012

November Creative Fun Day Re-cap

We had a wonderful Creative Fun Day on Saturday and lots of interesting projects were made and new ideas hatched.  I am excited to show you some of them.

Susie – who brought us some delicious cupcakes – made these beautiful autumn leaf postcards with leaves she had collected and pressed and some Mod podge.

 She then took the extra stems of the leaves along with some felt scraps and made this beautiful and colorful card.
Cherith also made a series of cards and inspired us all with new creative ideas.  Here are some of her cards.

  Here are some close-ups.

 Makenna arrived with a bag of duct tape and within 90 minutes had created – without directions and using her own ideas – this beautiful duct tape lunch box for a very lucky friend.  It was amazing to watch her in action as she put this project together. 

Laura stopped by, but didn’t have time to make anything of her own as she was on her way out of town for the holiday.  She helped several of us with our projects and she brought her awesome finished Halloween costume for us to see in person.  If you missed the updated picture on the October post, here it is.

I am still laughing at Rachel’s creation – an Obama doll.  My favorite part is the red tie!  (Plus she brought me an unexpected gift of river rocks and piled them decoratively by my driveway.  Thanks Rachel!!)
Elizabeth and Christy came and created an “Ugly Fish” doll (except that I think it is beautiful and not ugly at all).

 Elizabeth also used some felt scraps to create these people
And then she used the white board and my dry erase markers to create a scene around her people.   The creativity was just bouncing off the walls this session!
I got to help with several projects and also made a padded mailing envelope out of wall paper and bubble wrap.  (The bubble wrap is glued inside and the wall paper was sewn on the sewing machine to make the envelope.)
I also decorated an ornament with handmade paper scraps.  I think I will do another one of these using scraps of book pages.
For those of you that missed this month’s Creative Fun Day, I hope this post will inspire you to join us next month on December 15!   Thanks again to everyone that came and shared in the Creative Fun!

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