Sunday, March 11, 2012


This art exhibit has been a long time coming, but it is finally here.  

From March 12 through April 14, 2012, Brain's "I" View, a unique display of art created by individuals with brain injury will be on display at the Visitor's Center in Jonesborough

This exhibit includes a variety of expressive media such as painting, drawing, photography, mixed media and poetry.  Each piece also includes a descriptive paragraph from the artist sharing how the artwork reflects their personal experiences with brain injury.

We have been working on this exhibit for almost 18 months and we are so excited that it will finally be shared with the public.   The exhibit was developed and coordinated by the Milligan College Occupational Therapy Program and the Crumley House Brain Injury Rehabilitation Center.

Here is an example of one of the art pieces and the artist's description of how the piece connects to his story as a brain injury survivor.

I don’t remember being in the hospital, isn’t that weird? The last thing I remember was being at my buddy Chris’ house – the next thing was being in a wheelchair and transferring into a car when I couldn’t walk.   I am glad that I don’t remember the 6 months in the hospital because of all the things my mind and body went through.  I lost some people after I had the injury.  I didn’t understand why they disappeared.  Was it me?  Is it the brain injury?  But there were so many people that I didn’t even know that prayed for me and helped me.  It took a brain injury to change my life and it has made me a better person.  I am helping people now instead of hurting them.  My painting represents my brain after the accident.  The colors represent the hysterical feelings (yellow), my broken heart (red), the nurses (silver), therapy (blue), food (green) and memory loss (black).  There are still broken parts of me represented by the broken edge of the record.  These are things that I will have to learn to live with.

An Artist’s Reception will be held at the Visitor’s Center on Friday, March 16 from 4:00-7:00 pm.  Many of the artists will be at the reception to show their work and share their stories in person.

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